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Using GFX consist of 3 basic steps:

  1. you create an animation
  2. add it in OBS(or whatever streaming software you use), and
  3. either
    a) use it as an alert for events(eg. follow, host, donation)
    b) use it as part of a command.
    c) use it as an interactive button
    d) use it to announce when a specific user joins your channel

To create the animation:

  1. make sure animations are enabled
  2. click "open media folder" button and place the GIFs you wish to use in that folder. Click "Reload" button to refresh the list of images you can use.
  3. give your animation a name and select your gif from the list of files
  4. click "save" button to save your animation. You can tweak it later
  5. click "Open Stream window" and a green(default) window will open up
  6. click "Test" to preview your animation

To add it to OBS...

...using window capture

  1. add a new source to whichever scene(s) you want it to appear in and choose "window capture"
  2. select the window named "Scorpbot - Stream Window". do not select capture mouse cursor
  3. create a color key to make the green background transparent
    • in OBS classic check the "use color key" option and select the same green
    • in OBS studio click ok to close the window capture. right click the source you just created and choose "Filters". add a new "color key" filter and choose the same green
  4. position/resize/crop/etc the window capture source you just created as you wish

...using browser source

  1. in Scorpbot, click "Overlay Browser Source"
  2. take note of the location displayed in the popup window
  3. in OBS studio, add a new source to whichever scene(s) you want it to appear in and choose "browser"
  4. click "local file"
  5. click "browse" and navigate to the location/file provided by scorpbot

To use the animation...

...for an alert:

  1. open the settings tab in scorpbot
  2. click the checkbox to enable the alert you want to use and select your animation for the GFX

...for a command:

  1. open the commands tab in scorpbot
  2. create a new command by giving it a name (eg !graphic)
  3. from the variables drop-down select "gfx" and click the "add" button
  4. in the command response area replace "animationname" with the name of your animation
  5. click "save" button to save your new command. You probably want to specify permissions and cooldowns but you can do that later
  6. in your chatroom type (as the streamer, not bot) the name of your command (eg. !graphic) to test it

...for an interactive button:

  1. open the interactive tab in scorpbot
  2. create a new button by entering the button text in the "text" field
  3. in the "response" field type "$gfx(animationname)" (where "animationname" is the name of the animation you wish to use)
  4. click the "create" button to create your new button
  5. double-click your new button on the button layout panel to test it
  6. make sure your new button is selected in the list, then resize and reposition your button as you wish
  7. check the boxes "enabled" and "visible" (buttons must be invisible to make changes to them)
  8. click "update" button to save the new settings to mixer
  9. click "connect" to make your buttons appear on mixer

...for when a user joins:

  1. open the viewers tab in scorpbot
  2. right-click the username for the person you want to announce and select "edit viewer"
  3. in the "entrance message" field type "$gfx(animationname)" (where "animationname" is the name of the animation you wish to use)
  4. choose "On Enter" (plays as soon as they join the channel) or "On Speak" (plays the first time they speak after entering your channel
  5. click "save"